Vehicles before change point in 1982
The power steering must be bled if the hydraulic
system had been opened or air was drawn
in through the impeller pump due to insufficient
Remove reservoir cap.
Fill reservoir up to edge with oil¹).
Start engine with starter motor and add oil¹)

Siehe auch ¹) See Specifications
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Let engine run at idle speed as soon as oil level
remains constant.
Turn steering wheel from lock to lock quickly,
until air bubbles stop rising in reservoir.
The oil level must remain constant at top mark
during and after this procedure.

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Vehicles after change point in 1982
Filling and Bleeding Procedures:
1. Filling with Engine Stopped:
Fill oil tank until level is (A) = approx.
25 mm (1´´) below edge.
2. Filling and Bleeding with Engine Running:
2.1. Filling:
Fill remaining amount of oil* uniformly
while starting the engine.
2.2. Bleeding:
Turn steering wheel two times each to
left and right lock, operate brake pedal
five times, wait about 30 seconds and
operate brakes another 5 times.
3. Checking Oil Level with Engine Stopped:
Operate brake pedal until reservoir is
empty (reservoir is empty when oil level
stops rising - visual check - or force
required to operate brake pedal suddenly
increases considerably - mechanical
check -). Oil level should be approx. 10
mm (0.394´´) below upper edge of tank
when brake pedal is released.
Correct deviating oil level with engine

Siehe auch * See Specifications
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