REPLACING CENTER - Propeller Shaft Removed - Pack center with viscous grease and knock out with a 14 mm (0.551´´) dia. mandrel.
Installation: Lubricate center with approx. 6 grams of Molykote Longterm 2 and knock in with Special Tool 11 1 130. Seal faces out.
Installation: Protrusion A = 5 mm (0.197´´).
Vehicles after change point in 1982 REPLACING PROPELLER SHAFT FRONT END CENTER - Propeller Shaft Removed - Pack center with viscous grease and drive out with Special Tool 11 1 310. The pressure on the grease packing drives out the center mount.
Lubricate center with Molykote Longterm 2 and drive in with Special Tool 11 1 130. Sealing lip faces out.